Give clean Water
Water is a chemical compound with the chemical formula H 2O. A water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms that are connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure, but it often...
The Better Business of Clean Energy
”Since UNDP and the EU began collaborating with national counterparts two years ago, biomass production has increased 10 times; companies now manufacture 160,000 tons of fuel a year. After last winter, when AgriBioBrichet was unable to meet a sharp...
Sustainable Schools Project
Educating for Sustainability is learning that links knowledge, inquiry, and action to help students build a healthy future for their communities and the planet. There is a team of volunteers working within the Centre on short terms. Children are supported...
Summer camps
Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months in some countries. Children and adolescents who attend summer camp are known as campers. The traditional view of a summer camp as a woody...