The Phyllis Perry Hulton Educational Trust is offering a scholarship opportunity for High School Graduates of Marshall County High School in Iowa!
- The recipient must have graduated from a high school located in Marshall County. Home Schooled students are not eligible.
- The scholarships may be renewed from year to year. The maximum number of years you are eligible for will be 4 years. We do not pay for graduate school.
- The scholarships may be for the purposes of paying tuition, books, transportation, and supplies but not room and board.
- Extra consideration will be given to an applicant who has had a physical handicap during their lifetime.
Deadline: April 1st, 2021
Award amount: $1,000
Return to: patty@bowmanandmillerpc.com OR Phyllis Perry Hulton Educational Trust, P.O. Box 1635, Marshalltown, IA, 50158
For more information, visit: http://phyllisperryhultontrust.org/