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Stephanie Leon

Stephanie is currently studying TESOL at the University of Northern Iowa. In her remarkable essay, Stephanie wrote about the struggles of being raised by a single mom in an immigrant household where, besides from her Mom, she didn’t receive...

Daniela Zeledon

Daniela is currently studying Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Iowa State University. In her essay, Daniela wrote about the hardships she shares with many first and second-generation immigrants like financial hardships, language barriers, and immigration status issues. Daniela...

Virginia Felix Matias

One of the recipients of our Youth Leadership Summit scholarship raffle. Our annual YLS event is free and open to middle school, high school, and college-aged youth. For the 2nd consecutive year, we raffled scholarships at this event. All...

Cesar Virto and his Story

Cesar Virto was once a DACA student that due to his lack of citizenship was not able to obtain a scholarship for the sport he practiced during high school which was cross country. One day as high school days...